Aid and development Āwhina, tuputupu
Prosperity and stability in the Pacific and beyond
The New Zealand Aid Programme delivers New Zealand’s official support for developing countries, with a particular focus on the Pacific Islands region.-
Our approach to aid
Find out about New Zealand Aid Programme priorities and policies, our partners, and how we measure what we do.
Humanitarian action
We lead New Zealand's response to natural disasters and other humanitarian crises overseas. Find out how this works and how you can help.
Climate change support
Find out how Aotearoa New Zealand supports other countries with their climate change responses.
Working with the New Zealand IDC programme
How individuals, businesses, NGOs, and government agencies can work with us to deliver the New Zealand Aid Programme.
Our development cooperation partnerships in the Pacific
Most of our aid and development work is focused on our Pacific neighbours - helping them to build and strengthen their own capacity for sustainable development.
Our development cooperation partnerships in South East Asia
We're supporting development in Asia by working closely with the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and with partner countries.
Our development cooperation partnerships beyond the Pacific and south-east Asia
We have programmes in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and help the global aid effort by contributing funds and expertise to international agencies.
Labour Mobility
Alongside PACER Plus is an arrangement which enhances regional cooperation on labour mobility.
Manaaki New Zealand Scholarships
Manaaki New Zealand Scholarships build potential leaders. Our scholars leave with a world-class education, lifelong friendships and vital skills to strengthen their careers and home countries.