How we work together with others on climate issues is as important as what we do together.
Our goal is for Aotearoa New Zealand to operate as a true partner, collaborating with others in kaitiakitanga (shared stewardship) and supporting peace, prosperity and resilience.
The basis for this is a commitment to relationships. That is built into both what we do and how we engage.
We focus on acting in partnership, achieving collective impact, bringing a long-term perspective and linking with like-minded partners to magnify our impact.
Our engagement principles
Fountain of support: Our engagement on climate finance will be driven by the values of whakahoahoa (partnership), including honesty, trust and respect. We will listen and consult, and act in partnership with predictability and consistency. - RARANGA TE MUKA
Weaving the strands: Our support helps to address climate change, a challenge too big for any country to address alone, and secures a platform on which to advocate for the things we value. Through this approach we achieve panga ngatahi (collective impact). - TE PAE TAWHITI
A shared horizon: Our engagement will bring a long-term pakari (resilience) perspective, recognising the enduring challenge of climate change and the need to work at the pace of our partners. We will not prioritise short-term easy wins over higher impact, potentially riskier, investments. - TĀTOU TĀTOU
All of us together: We will work with like-minded partners to upscale our climate finance ambition and magnify our impact, especially in the Indo-Pacific region. These partnerships will mitigate our lack of global scale and deliver value for money on mitigation and adaptation.

Our values
These are the values that form the foundation of how Aotearoa New Zealand delivers support to developing countries.
- Kaitiakitanga: By practicing kaitiakitanga, working closely with trusted partners, we will promote sustainable solutions to global and regional climate challenges, recognising countries’ sovereignty, mana and agency.
- Influence: We will seek to amplify the Pacific’s voice internationally and influence other donors’ climate finance choices. The influence of development partners in international climate change discussions will be strengthened if they achieve their Nationally Determined Contributions and become more climate resilient through implementing their National Adaptation Plans. Our climate finance can support and fast-track their priorities.
- Prosperity: Our climate finance investments will improve broader well-being, safeguard incomes, protect human rights and jobs and promote capital growth to boost productivity. This will support the economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and seek to start addressing pre-existing poverty, inequalities and social problems.
- Security & resilience: We will deliver initiatives to support families, communities, localities and populations to adjust to the impacts of climate change. We will help them adapt and retain their cultural ‘sense of place’, ensuring their values are not compromised.