
On this page

Embassies and consular services for Malta

Location Service areas
High Commission for Malta
New Zealand Embassy to Spain Andorra, Malta, Spain, Holy See, Morocco

Our relationship with Malta

New Zealand has a long-standing relationship with Malta based on wartime links, our status as small island states and our shared Commonwealth heritage. New Zealand values its relationship with Malta as a member state of the European Union.

New Zealand and Malta regularly exchange views at International meetings, including the Asia-Europe Meeting and the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM). We cooperate well in multilateral settings, based on our two countries’ shared commitment to international peace and security, democracy, open trade, human rights, environment, and the rules-based international system.

Working Holiday Scheme

Information on New Zealand’s Working Holiday Scheme with Malta(external link) is available on the Immigration New Zealand website.

Other Bilateral Agreements

Other bilateral agreements between our two countries include a Social Security Agreement. This can be found on New Zealand Treaties Online(external link).


Information on New Zealand’s trade relationship with Denmark is available on the New Zealand Trade Dashboard(external link).

As Malta is a European Union member state, the EU-NZ FTA will apply to trade between Malta and New Zealand following ratification and entry into force.


Recent official visits

New Zealand to Malta

  • November 2015: Prime Minister Sir John Key attended the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting
  • April 2013: Minister of Foreign Affairs Murray McCully
  • July 2013: Minister for Social Development Paula Bennett
  • May 2004: Prime Minister Helen Clark

Malta to New Zealand

  • March 2007: Deputy Prime Minister Tonio Borg
  • 2002: Prime Minister Fenech Adami


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