Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia

On this page

Contact details

Physical address Level 20
125 The Terrace
New Zealand

Postal address PO Box 25 567
Wellington 6140

Other consular contacts

Staff Details

His Excellency Mr Muhanna Aba Alkhail, Ambassador (8 November 2023)
Mrs Reem Al Muhanna

Mr Tariq Alfayez, Deputy Head of Mission
Mrs Hind Alnazhah

Mr Mashhour Al Hulaifi, Counsellor
Ms Nahlah Al Moqate

Mr Abdulaziz Nasser A Dous, First Secretary
Ms Aljawharah Alshraihi

Mr Fahad Bukhari, Attaché
Mrs Heba Aleterji

Mr Talal Al Enazi, Attaché
Mrs Tahani Al Enazi

Mr Adel Al Salem, Attaché

Mr Faisal Mohammed Alasqah, Attaché
Mrs Doha Alhefde

Mr Mohammed Abdulaziz A Bin Tamim, Attaché

Ms Shumokh Alharbi, Administrative and Technical Staff

Consulate-General of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Auckland
Staff Details

Mr Abdulrahman Al Mazhoud, Acting Consul-General
Mrs Nesreen Alghamdi

Mr Fahad Hawsawi, Vice-Consul
Mrs Fardus Fallatah

Mr Abdu Abbas Juraybi, Consul

Mr Nasser Mudith Alsubaie, Consul


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