Paula Wilson
Deputy Secretary – Europe, Middle East & Africa, and Australia Group

Paula Wilson is a career diplomat who joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade in 1994. She was appointed Deputy Secretary for Europe, Middle East and Africa, and Australia, in September 2024. Prior to that she was Acting Deputy Chief Executive (Policy) February – May 2024 and before that she was Divisional Manager for International Security and Disarmament Division and Ambassador for Counter Terrorism from December 2023.
Paula was Divisional Manager for North Asia for the preceding three years, leading a large Wellington-based team and a network of posts. In the period 2017-2020 she was seconded to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet as Foreign Policy Adviser to the Prime Minister, working to two Prime Ministers. Paula was Divisional Manager for Europe at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade 2016–2017.
Paula was Ambassador to Belgium 2012–2015, and was also accredited to Bulgaria, Luxembourg, and Romania. Paula’s previous diplomatic postings were to Canberra and to Bonn/Berlin.
During her career at the Ministry Paula has worked on a range of policy issues including both trade and security issues, development, environment and various bilateral relationships. She grew up in Christchurch and has a Masters Degree in Geography and History from the University of Canterbury. She is married with twin teenage boys.